Regulament Bucharest Half Marathon 2025
Editia a 14-a a Semimaratonului Bucuresti (Evenimentul si toate cursele asociate) este organizata in perioada 10-11 Mai 2025 de catre ASOCIATIA CLUBUL SPORTIV BUCHAREST RUNNING CLUB (Organizatorul) in parteneriat cu FEDERATIA ROMANA DE ATLETISM, PRIMARIA MUNICIPIULUI BUCURESTI si CTMB. Organizatorul poate fi contactat in scris la adresa: Bucuresti, Strada Armeneasca, nr23, sector 2,
Any news or additional information about the Event are available on the dedicated website, Information about the Organizer and other organized events are available on:,,
Filling out the form provided by the Organizer and participating at the Event and any of the related races represent your explicit and unconditional agreement to the terms of these Rules and to any instructions/ recommendations of the Organizer and the Event Officials. The Organizer reserves the right to modify these Rules until the first day of the Event, subject to the notification of the participants on the Event website.
These Rules will be supplemented for all races (intended for both professional and elite athlete races and for non-competitive races) with the rules of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), and the IAAF Disciplinary Tribunal Rules, provided they are not contrary to the provisions of these Rules. The Romanian law shall apply whenever the aforesaid special rules are not applicable.
Organized races:
– curse pentru adulti: semimaraton, individual 10k, stafeta
Average seasonal temperature:
- Minimum temperature: 10 C°
- Maximum temperature: 20 C°
Pentru a participa la cursele de Semimaraton, 10k si Stafeta din cadrul evenimentului Semimaratonul Bucuresti si pentru a primi kitul de concurs fiecare alergator trebuie sa indeplineasca cumulativ urmatoarele conditii:
1) sa aiba cel putin 18 ani impliniti in ziua cursei ( pentru 21km, stafeta si 10km)
2) pay the registration fee;
3) present an identity document for identity check;
4) assume responsibility for any accident or damage suffered during the competition - the Organizer disclaims any responsibility for any such instances, in accordance with the provisions of these Rules;
5) sa isi asume responsabilitatea ca au capacitatea fizica si ca au un aviz medical pentru a participa la cursa la care s-au inscris. Organizatorul isi declina orice responsabilitate cu privire la orice problema medicala aparuta in timpul sau ulterior Evenimentului; 6) nu este inscris si la alta cursa competitiva din cadrul evenimentului Semimaratonul Bucuresti. Un alergator va putea participa la o singura cursa competitiva din cadrul Evenimentului.
Participation at the Bucharest Half Marathon is strictly personal. It is forbidden to change, sell, transfer or offer to exchange the registration to the Event. Also, it is not allowed to wear the BIB number of the runner who received it. Any violation of this condition will be sanctioned by disqualification of the runner and the Organizer reserves the right to exclude the respective person from participating in future events.
The runner who gives his/her BIB number to a third party shall be solely responsible for any accident/incident occurring/caused by or involving that third party during the Event. The third party shall not be able to invoke these Rules as a result of his / her participation to the Event. The Organizer disclaims any responsibility for any consequences and/or incidents and/or damage suffered by the third party.
The particular conditions regarding the registration to other races are specified in the SPECIAL RULES FOR RACES Section which we recommend you to read. We also recommend you to read the entire content of the dedicated website, as well as the Facebook page
Registration for the races within the Event can be done online, by filling in the form provided by the Organizer on the website After this date, the number of competition kits available for registration will be announced on the site.
Plata online prin card de credit/debit
Companies / organizations / legal entities that wish to pay through a single PO and receive a single invoice for the taxes of all persons for whom the company pays, can write to us at
Bank details for payment:
Asociatia Clubul Sportiv Bucharest RUNNING CLUB
Adresa: Bucuresti, Str. Armeneasca, nr23, sector 2, CUI/CIF: 21585951
Bank: Raiffeisen Bank - Bucharest - Ag. Dorobanti
IBAN RON: RO91 RZBR 0000 0600 1730 8502
IBAN EUR: RO37 RZBR 0000 0600 1730 8504
IBAN USD: RO96 RZBR 0000 0600 1730 8509
NO registrations for adult races are accepted on race day.
Paid fee is inclusive of the amount to be donated to partner NGOs. In the registration form, each runner can choose a cause to support. All registrations are firm and final. Paid participation fees are non- refundable, except for cases where such a situation is expressly provided for in the Rules.
Runners can pick up their race kit at Sport Expo.
To pick up their race kit, registered runners will present the following documents:
1. Scrisoarea de confirmare a inscrierii – Aceasta este personalizata, va fi primita pe email in saptamana evenimentului. ( Pe telefon sau printata)
2. ID document (the organizers check the ID document and immediately return it to the holder). Each runner receives a race number (BIB) based on their personal best of the past year for the distance they chose.
A changing tent will be set up near Sport Expo area, providing runners with a place to change clothes before and after the race. Alongside the BIB number, each runner will be given a deposit bag and a sticker bearing the start number; the sticker must be placed on the deposit bag before leaving the bag at the wardrobe. Deposit bags can be left off at the changing tent before start and picked up after race finish, based on the race number. Only bags with a sticker number matching the runner’s start number will be accepted.
NOTE: In the changing tent, priority will be given to the participants in the Half Marathon, Relay Race and 10K race.
The changing tent is guarded by the collaborators of the Bucharest RUNNING CLUB and partner NGOs but it is not recommended to leave any valuables in the deposit bags. Organizers shall not be held liable for the theft, damage or loss of any personal items.
Persoanele adulte cu dizabilitati se pot inscrie la Cursa Individuala 10k si Cursa Populara 2.5km. Sunt luati in considerare sportivii care se deplaseaza in fotolii rulante si care se autopropulseaza. Acestia sunt inclusi in clasamentul categoriei “Fotolii rulante” si pot primi premiile anuntate. Persoanele adulte cu dizabilitati motorii si care participa la una dintre probele evenimentului in fotolii rulante impinse de un tert sau mergand cu carje sau alte categorii diferite de cea descrisa mai sus, pot participa la cursa si NU sunt inclusi in clasamente. Aceste persoane vor lua startul o data cu categoria fotolii rulante.
Toate persoanele mentionate la acest capitol pot beneficia de gratuitate la inscriere daca prezinta o adeverinta medicala doveditoare, in vederea dovedirii gradului de handicap.
Low-income adults can participate in any race of the event and benefit from free registration subject to the submission of a certificate of net earnings for the last 3 months (only those who have a net income below the limit of 1,000 RON will benefit from the exemption from payment). In the case of adults over 26 years of age dependant on their parents according to Art. 499 of the Civil Code, they will benefit from free registration only if the condition of a net income below the limit of 1,000 RON is met on average for each member of the family. These persons will be included in the overall ranking of the competition.
According to the IAAF / AIMS regulation, a hydration point will be placed every 5 km, therefore approximately 5,10,15,20 Km / Finish line. The participants are kindly asked to throw plastic bottles and cups in the areas close to the hydration points so as to make it easier to clean up afterwards. The use of glass or metal containers is forbidden during the race. The toilets are located in the Start/Finish area and in the vicinity of each hydration point.
The timing for the half marathon, individual race 10 k and Relay race will be provided by a specialized company. The timing system registers each passing of every runner’s electronic chip over the electronic mats (check points) and calculates the time for each runner. The check points are placed at the start/finish line and along the course, at undisclosed locations, in cooperation with The Romanian Athletics Federation. ATTENTION ! ● Runners must go through all check points located on the course of their race. Runners who fail to step on the mat at every check point will not be recorded by the timing system and will be automatically disqualified. ● It is the responsibility of the runners to wear the BIB number on the front of the T-shirt and attach the electronic chip as shown on the chip package. Any runner not wearing the BIB number on the T-shirt or wearing another BIB number instead of the one received from the Organizer or not wearing the chip throughout the race as indicated in the instructions will be automatically disqualified. Changing or replacing the BIB number or chip (even in case of loss) on race day or exchanging BIB numbers among runners is not allowed. Failure to comply with these rules results in disqualification.
Participants are strictly forbidden from having on them, in the Event area, any kind of objects that may be hazardous or illegal (drugs, fire arms or objects that qualify as white weapons, explosives, etc.) No vehicles are allowed on the course, except for the Organizer’s bicycles or vehicles and wheelchairs. Offenders will be sanctioned according to the law. In order to attend the Event and access the Event area, participants agree and give their express consent regarding the fact that the Organizer may request, through the security staff, the body search of individuals and their personal items. In case of refusing such a search, the concerned individual will be banned from entering or continuing to have access to the Event area. The Organizer and the security staff may refuse or remove from the Event area, at their own discretion, even during the race, any person who: i) does not comply with the provisions of these Rules, ii) behaves in such a way that they disturb the normal participation at the Event in situations such as, but not limited to: using any object or behaving in a way that hampers and/or prevents and/or interferes with the circulation and safety of the other participants to the Event; iii) uses any methods of promoting or marketing certain brands, companies, products, services etc. that are not sponsors of the competition or have not been allowed by the Organizer; iv) promotes in any way political, religious or any kind of opinions that may contain a political, religious or violence- or hate-inducing message, etc.; v) promotes messages and content that is likely to harm the image of the Event.
Participation in any race of the Event is made at the sole risk of the Participant. The Organizer shall not be held liable for any kind of damage suffered by the Participant as a result of running the race, unless the damage is a direct consequence of the Organizer’s intent. This waiver also applies to cases of any possible damages generated by situations such as, but not limited to accidents or death. Should the Organizer’s insurance policy cover it and should the insurer deem that it has to pay any amount in order to cover certain damage suffered by the Participant, the Organizer’s responsibility will be limited to the amount paid by the insurance company. The Participant is the only one responsible for taking insurance to cover any damage caused by accidents, diseases or death due to the participation at the Event. The participant declares that he/she is aware that participation requires very good physical and mental health and declares that he/she is properly trained to participate in the event having been through an appropriate training for such participation. The Organizer, expressly and particularly, instructs the Participant to undergo any medical exam that is necessary in order to certify to their fitness to participate at the Event. The Participant remains liable before the Organizer for any harm they may inflict on a third party, including on another Participant, volunteer etc., as a result of any act or omission that is attributable to the Participant.
The official ranking will be available on the event website within 48 hours from race completion, except for the cases expressly mentioned in the specific rules applicable to certain races. The participation certificate will specify the position in the official ranking. According to the international rules - IAAF - the official ranking is based on the official time recorded for each runner. The official time is measured from the moment of the official start until the moment of crossing the finish line. The real time, measured between the moment of crossing the start line (after the official start) and the moment of crossing the finish line will also be mentioned on the participation certificate of each runner. This time cannot be used in the official ranking. The Organizer may decide for certain races of the Event, in accordance with the provisions of the specific rules applicable to some races, not to be electronically timed and/or not to have rankings and/or to announce the final order later than the moment specified in this chapter.
Bucharest RUNNING CLUB organizeaza festivitatea de premiere care va avea loc in ziua competitiei. Pentru programul complet vizitati pagina aferenta de pe website-ul Evenimentului.
Pentru cursele de 21K, 10K si Stafeta vor fi acordate premii in bani. Aceste premii sunt oferite in “lei” pentru rezidentii Romani si in “euro” pentru rezidentii internationali.
Premiile oferite de catre Organizator vor fi anuntate inainte de desfasurarea Evenimentului. Inainte de plata catre participant, din premiile in bani anuntate se vor deduce toate taxele in conformitate cu legislatia romana, urmand ca diferenta sa fie achitata participantului. Pentru categoria de varsta – veterani – vor fi oferite diplome.
Un Participant nu este indreptatit sa primeasca un premiu daca a actionat sau actioneaza intr-o modalitate care contravine prezentului Regulament. In situatia in care dupa oferirea premiului Organizatorului ii sunt aduse la cunostinta circumstante din care reiese ca participantul a incalcat in orice fel Regulamentul si regulile care il completeaza are obligatia sa restituie imediat premiul la prima solicitare a Organizatorului;
Premiile in bani vor fi platite la expirarea termenului de 8 saptamani de la finalizarea Evenimentului. In cazul sportivilor de elita si a celor legitimati Organizatorul poate decide amanarea platii premiilor pana la sosirea rezultatelor definitive anti-doping in cazul efectuarii unor astfel de controale.
Premiile in produse vor fi oferite doar castigatorilor prezenti la premierea de pe scena.
*Alergătorii de la cursele de 21K, ştafetă si 10K , care au fost premiaţi la ediţia precedentă (locurile 1, 2 sau 3), pot beneficia de gratuitate la înscriere în ediţia următoare evenimentului la care au câştigat şi doar la aceeaşi cursă / distanţă.
Pentru a beneficia de înscrierea gratuită, este necesară înscrierea online şi cererea de validare gratuită prin e-mail la, în maximum 5 zile de la înscriere. Data limită 21 Aprilie 2023. Nu se admit returnări de taxe, în cazul în care s-a plătit deja.
Only participants with no medical problems and physically fit and trained to attend the Event race of their choice are allowed to participate. By registering for the Event and attending the race, every participant declares and pledges being fit to take part in the race of their choice and having consulted a specialized physician for this purpose, thus obtaining the approval to participate in the race for which they registered. The Participant exempts the Organizer of any liability for any medical problem, of any nature, occurring during or after the participation at the Event. The first aid points will be located along the course and in the Start/Finish area. Ambulances stationed at the First Aid points will be informed by the race marshals in case of accidents suffered by the runners on the course and will intervene immediately. Runners who withdraw from the race are advised to wait at the hydration points for the special vehicle made available by the organizers to reach the Start/Finish area or they can use public transport. To the extent that the runners realize a participant faces medical problems, they will inform the organizers or point it out to the staff at the First Aid points. The participants authorize and give their express consent for being transported to the hospital/given medical care as a result of the express request of the Organizer’s representatives if, according to the latter's opinion, medical care is necessary, and declare that they waive any potential claims regarding such transport and/or emergency medical treatment, related delays or deficiencies.
The 21K, 10k and Relay races are organized together with The Romanian Athletics Federation (F.R.A.), and consequently anti-doping tests may be carried out, in strict compliance with the national provisions, the FRA regulations, the I.A.A.F. rules and the W.A.D.A code.
Registration fees are NOT refundable, including for those who have registered and do not enter the competition. The change of registration can be made against the processing fee of 10 EUR / person, applicable for the following types of changes: a. transfer to another race. If the new race is more expensive, the runner also pays the difference in the race fee. b. replacement of a runner (individually or in relay) c. changing the running order in the relay.For cases of force majeure, you must present a document accepted by the organizers that can certify this, and the change will be made free of charge.Whenever necessary, the Organizer reserves the right to change the route, the position of the supply points or any other elements that are part of the organization of the Event. Also, the Organizer will be able to change the date of the Event or the start times at any time without paying a compensation to the participants; In case of force majeure events, the concerned individuals must present a supporting document in this respect, that is acceptable to the organizers, and the change will be made free of charge. Runners completing the registration (payment included) by August 1st, will have their NAME printed on their BIB NUMBER. Those who change the race after this date cannot benefit from this service. This service is available only for the 21K, 10K and Relay races. Whenever necessary, the Organizer reserves the right to change the course, the location of the refreshment points or any other element that is part of the Event organization. Also, the Organizer will be able to change the Event date or the start times at any time, without having to pay any compensation to the participants;
In case of force majeure events, the individuals concerned must present a supporting document in this respect, that is acceptable to the organizers, and the change will be made free of charge. Runners completing the registration (payment included) by August 1st, will have their NAME printed on their BIB NUMBER. Those who change the race after this date cannot benefit from this service. This service is available only for the 21K, 10K and Relay races.
Whenever necessary, the Organizer reserves the right to change the course, the location of the refreshment points or any other element that is part of the Event organization. Also, the Organizer will be able to change the Event date or the start times at any moment, without having to pay any compensation to the participants;
Should the event be cancelled, interrupted or postponed by means totally independent from the Organizer’s will and control (such as, but not limited to authorities’ administrative decisions, force majeure situations, strikes, emergency states etc), the Organizer will not be responsible with covering of any prejudice to the participants. Though, in such situations, the Organizer will offer to already registered participants the possibility to register without any additional cost to Organizer’s next event. The Organizer will not cover any additional costs.
Should the event be cancelled by means imputable to the Organizer, the participants not willing to opt-in for the Organizer’s next event are entitled to request the registration fee and be reimbursed. No other amount will be paid by the Organizer. Should the event be cancelled by means not imputable to the Organizer, there will be no reimbursements of the registration fees. The participants will have only the possibility to opt for transferring the amount paid, to the Organizer’s next event.
The Organizer is entitled to refuse registration, exclude from the race and/or disqualify any participants who, in a previous race or during the current race, displayed behaviors/attitudes/reactions that are contrary to these rules, such as, but not limited to the following examples: - They were eliminated or excluded from similar races for breaching the rules; - There is intent to use the Event for exposing their political or religious views or views that might harm the image of the Event; - They violate one or several provisions of these Rules; - Their conduct is detrimental to the image of the Event; - They were sanctioned for breaching the anti-doping rules; - They are under the influence of alcohol or drugs; - After the race, it becomes obvious that these Rules or the Anti-doping rules were breached.
Throughout the Event, the Participants shall display a polite and respectful behavior towards the Organizers and the other Participants and shall fully comply with the Rules. During the race, it is recommended not to block or hamper other participants and not to run in groups of three or more aligned persons, so as not to become obstacles to the other runners. Also, participants are advised not to stop suddenly for refreshments or for tying their shoe laces and to make sure that, when they stop, they don’t block or hamper other runners. Participants should avoid slowing down faster runners or hitting the slow ones, so when a runner behind you says “I’m on your left”, please step aside to your right and let them pass, if they say “to your right”, step aside to your left and let them pass. Participants are not allowed to use the Event in order to promote any other marketing elements except for the official sponsors, as provided by the Organizer.
Any communication consisting of images or videos from the Event, recorded by a participant during the participation to the Event will be for personal use exclusively and in no way can be used for commercial promotion or any other type of advertising or marketing outside the Event, without the express consent of the Organizer.
Eventualele reclamatii legate de clasament sau de participarea la eveniment se pot face in scris si depuse la cortul de premii doar in ziua evenimentului, inainte de premiere. Dupa expirarea acestui termen, Organizatorul nu va mai lua in considerare nicio reclamatie.
Contestatiile vor putea fi facute de persoanele care s-au inscris la eveniment si au achitat taxa de participare daca o astfel de obligatie exista. Pentru minori, contestatia va putea fi facuta doar de catre unul dintre parinti, ocrotitori legali sau profesorul care ii insoteste. Persoanele carora li s-au refuzat participarea la eveniment sau au fost descalificate pot face contestatie numai cu privire la acest aspect.
Contestatia va contine numele, adresa, numarul de concurs al persoanei care face contestatia, adresa acestuia de email si pe scurt, faptele pe care le contesta, motivele pentru care le contesta si probele pe care isi sprijina contestatia.
In masura in care pe parcursul analizarii contestatiei, Organizatorul va avea nevoie de elemente suplimentare va solicita aceste elemente contestatorului sau oricarei alte persoane. Organizatorul va putea verifica orice elemente si probe pe care le considera necesare pe parcursul analizei contestatiei. Decizia luata de organizator este finala si se comunica contestatorului la adresa de email indicata in contestatie.
The Event can be recorded for public communication/ information purposes, in any way (especially by pictures, videos, etc.), on any existing or future media, for international communication, for any purpose, including advertising and commercial. Therefore, every participant explicitly grants the Organizer, the Organizer’s agents and beneficiaries (especially commercial partners) permission to record and reproduce, on any type of media, in any format, respectively to reproduce and represent, for no remuneration of any nature, the name, voice, image and information regarding the sports activity performed during the Event, for a duration no longer than 20 years from the Event Date. The Participant expressly authorizes the Organizer to assign to the Event partners sub-licenses to use the personal portrayal for commercial and advertising purposes. Each participant grants its full and irrevocable permission to the Organizer, the beneficiaries (especially his commercial partners), for the purpose of carrying out advertising, promotion or sale campaigns 1) to make any changes, additions or deletions they deem necessary to use their image, under the conditions defined below, 2) to include or combine their image with any signatures, expression, slogans, legends, marks, distinguishing signs, legal information, visual effects and, generally speaking, in any use in the communication materials where they are used. For minors, this consent is subject to their major interests and rights not being harmed by their parents, by the legal custodians (parent, custodians, etc.) who make the registration on their behalf. The Participant warrants that their personal portrayal is not subject to an exclusive agreement.
Organizatorului, beneficiarilor sai si persoanelor imputernicite le este interzisa in mod expres folosirea numelui unui participant, a vocii sau imaginii in orice format cu caracter pornografic, rasist sau xenofob, si mai mult, in general, este interzisa orice utilizare care aduce atingere demnitatii participantului. Participantii sunt informati si accepta neconditionat ca imaginea lor, inregistrata de catre reprezentantii oficiali ai Organizatorului, poate fi accesibila pe site-ul Evenimentului in zona destinata membrilor si pe site-ul Evenimentului in sectiunea „Rezultate”. In ceea ce priveste site-ul Evenimentului, participantii inteleg si sunt de acord ca orice utilizator de internet ii poate identifica dupa nume, prenume si/sau numarul de cursa.
Datele personale colectate – ASOCIATIA CLUBUL SPORTIV BUCHAREST RUNNING CLUB (Organizatorul/ACSBRC), in calitate de Operator prelucreaza datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal: numele si prenumele, sexul, data nasterii, nationalitea, telefon mobil, tara si orasul de domiciliu, e-mail, cel mai bun timp personal, numele echipei (daca este cazul), coordonate bancare, imaginea foto/video, marimea tricoului.
Scopul si modalitatea de prelucrare a datelor – Datele sunt colectate de catre ACSBRC cand va inregistrati la Semimaratonul Bucuresti, fie prin intermediul platformei de inscrieri Njuko accesand/creand un cont personal, fie prin intermediul formularului de contact pe site-ul . Datele personale furnizate de catre fiecare participant prin intermediul formularului de inregistrare vor fi pastrate in format electronic.
Furnizarea datelor cu caracter personal este obligatorie in vederea inregistrarii participantilor la competitii si organizarea corespunzatoare a acestora si sunt necesare in vederea procesarii taxelor de participare la cursele care necesita taxa de inscriere. Rezultatele personale la curse vor fi de asemenea inregistrate, pastrate, prelucrate si publicate in vederea crearii clasamentului, crearii unei arhive si tiparirea personalizata a rezultatelor pe diplome.
Refuzul de a furniza datele – Datele solicitate sunt esentiale pentru organizarea evenimentului. Prin urmare, in cazul refuzului persoanei vizate de a furniza aceste date, Operatorul va refuza inregistrarea in cursa/curse. Prin inregistrare participantul consimte la inregistrarea, prelucrarea utilizarea datelor personale in scopurile descrise la acest paragraf.
Dezvaluirea datelor personale – ACSBRC nu dezvaluie datele dvs. personale niciunei terte parti cu exceptia situatiei cand exista o obligatie legala in acest sens, la cererea autoritatilor indreptatite (ex. Echipe de prim ajutor, Politie, Agentia Nationala Anti-Doping etc) sau cand apreciem ca este necesar in vederea investigarii, prevenirii sau pentru a actiona impotriva unor situatii potential ilegale, in caz de suspiciuni de frauda sau situatii de urgenta care implica punerea in pericol a integritatii fizice sau a securitatii oricarei persoane.
Securitatea datelor personale – ACSBRC a implementat masuri tehnice si organizatorice rezonabile pentru a asigura datele dvs personale impotriva pierderii accidentale, a accesului, folosirii, distrugerii sau dezvaluirilor neautorizate.
Drepturile dvs. – aveti urmatoarele drepturi in conformitate cu prezentul Regulament si conform Regulamentului General privind Protectia Datelor (GDPR):
– Dreptul de a fi informat despre modalitatea de prelucrare a datelor;
– Dreptul de accesa datele personale pe care le detinem despre dvs;
– Dreptul de a rectifica datele pe care le detinem in cazul in care acestea sunt incorecte sau incomplete;- Dreptul de a fi uitat, adica dreptul de ne solicita stergerea datelor personale detinute;
– Dreptul de a restrictiona prelucrarea datelor personale;
– Dreptul la portabilitatea datelor, adica de a fi transferate catre o alta organizatie;
– Dreptul de a obiecta ca datele dvs. personale sa fie folosite in anumite scopuri;
In cazul in care doriti sa reclamati modalitatea de gestionare a datelor dvs., va rugam sa contactati ACSBRC la adresa de email sau in scris la adresa:Bulevardul Mărăști nr.10, Bucuresti 1, Romania. Vom analiza sesizarea dvs. si vom colabora cu dvs. pentru rezolvarea problemei. Este posibil sa va solicitam dovezi ale identitatii.
Actualizarea datelor – Puteti revizui, corecta, actualiza sau sterge datele personale accesand contul creat pe platforma Njuko.
Daca in continuare considerati ca datele dvs. nu sunt gestionate corect conform legii, puteti contacta Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal, unde puteti depune o plangere.
Prelucrarea datelor personale ale copiilor – Datele personale ale minorilor (nume, prenume si data nasterii) sunt colectate de la parinti si sunt sterse dupa trei luni de la terminarea evenimentului.
Reguli Specifice Cursele Bronze Label – Semimaratonul Bucuresti este certificat Bronze Label de catre IAAF care impune reguli specifice care implica prelucrarea de date personale:
– Ecran – Furnizarea unei modalitati de urmarire a cursei prin intermediul unui ecran urias sau a unei alte modalitati;
– Servicii pentru Media – (i) livrarea individuala a rezultatelor primilor 20 de barbati si primelor 20 de femei; (ii) website dedicat cu lista de start si rezultatele in limba tarii gazda si in limba engleza; (iii) monitoare tv si internet de mare viteza.
– Cerinte de transmisie internationala – cursele certificare Broze label trebuie sa poata furniza cel putin aspectele importante ale cursei la nivel local prin transmisii live, inregistrate sau online.
– Reportaje TV pentru IAAF – ABRC are obligatia sa furnizeze IAAF inregistrarea integrala a cursei (“Dirty International Feed”), sub forma unui link catre un website care publicarea de clipuri video (YouTube, Vimeo, YouKu, etc.) sau a unui fisier digital in scopul verificarii cursei. IAAF nu va redistribui inregistrarile si nu va avea drepturi asupra acestora. La cererea IAAF ABRC va furniza o inregistrare a cursei (“Clean Feed”) si va permite IAAF sa foloseasca gratuit maximum 5 minute din materialul filmat.