“N-avem SANGE?!” (www.n-avemsange.ro) is a program run by the HEM Association, for the National Institute of Blood Transfusion and represents a nationwide effort to support voluntary blood donation.
In more than 7 years since the first actions of "N-avem SANGE?!", the urgent need for a sustained effort to educate the public has been regularly confirmed, because as the acute shortage of blood for transfusion puts the whole of society at risk. Blood is in fact a living tissue and not just a coloured liquid, a tissue of which part can be stored for up to 42 days and another part for up to 6 days. These things are likely to make our approach even more complicated, but also to motivate us further.
The main objective of the "N-avem SANGE?!" program is to increase the number of loyal donors and to integrate blood donation into the routine of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, our mission is to develop and strengthen a large community of donors, to help them understand the wonderful benefits of the regular blood donation. Thus, we have here an interview with Dr. Corina Posea, one of the best hematologists in Romania: http://n-avemsange.ro/2018/06/29/150-000-de-vieti-pe-an/
Within our donor community, we have a number of blood donation ambassadors, whom we have suggestively named #bloodfluencers = donors and at the same time people with leadership DNA, oriented towards social activism. We want to increase the cohesion of their group, and the presence of "N-avem SANGE?!" within the sports events organized by the Bucharest Running Club Association is a wonderful opportunity to talk to healthy people, oriented towards a healthy lifestyle, about the need and benefits of blood donation.
The thousands of runners who have chosen to support us at these events over time confirm that here we find a large number of people with a true #bloodfluencer profile.
We therefore invite you to support us, donate blood and tell everyone about it!
You may find us here: