Run for HOPE!
Be part of #TeamHOSPICE on May 11-12 at the OMV Petrom Bucharest HALF MARATHON 2024
Aleargă pentru copiii cu boli incurabile care au nevoie disperată de alinare. Fiecare pas ne aduce mai aproape de construcția noului spital de îngrijire paliativă pediatrică.
In the past 32 years, HOSPICE Casa Speranței has offered free and unconditional support for over 50,000 patients—children and adults with an incurable illness. Because every patient deserves hope, because we want to help even more of them, we are building a new HOSPICE hospital for children with a serious terminal illness near Bucharest.
Be on #TeamHOSPICE!
Sign up for one of the races at http://team.hospice.ro/. Let your friends know and ask them to support you. With your help, palliative care will continue to bring comfort and dignity to the lives of those who are struggling.
Visit http://team.hospice.ro/ or follow us on our social media pages to see how you can be part of the largest community of runners in Romania supporting a humanitarian cause.
We look forward to seeing you at the HOSPICE tent in Constitution Square on race day to take big steps together for hope.
For any information about the competition and ways to participate and support, you can contact us at
For any information about the competition and ways to participate and support, you can contact us at ana.sulea@hospice.ro or +4 0737 300 895.